Recently, outgoing minister Blok (Safety and Justice) answered Parliamentary Questions by member Van Nispen (SP) on the stance of insurance companies to personal injury claims. In his answers, the minister referred to the Code of Conduct for Handling Personal Injury Claims [Gedragscode Behandeling Letselschade (GBL)] and indicated that it functions properly.
He therefore disagreed with the assertion that the GBL is a toothless tiger. He referred to the obligation of the insurance companies to comply with the GBL and the consequences that could be attached to any failure to do so.
The Financial Services Complaints Board [Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening (Kifid)] and The Personal Injury Council [de Letselschaderaad] play an important role here. They have the option of referring a complaint to the Financial Services Disciplinary Tribunal [Tuchtraad Financiële Dienstverlening].
The minister said he was not inclined to include the GBL in the legislation. The alleged unsympathetic stance by insurance companies will, however, be broached with the Personal Injury Council.
By Sanne Rutten