On January 17th 2017, The State Council of China released the Circular of the State Council on Several Measures concerning the Expansion of Opening-up and Active Use of Foreign Capital, unveiling its new policy to facilitate foreign investment. I believe the implementing measures will be promulgated in several months. The brief on it is as follows:
- Local governments are granted discretion to enact local foreign investment incentive policy;
- PPP: foreign investment is encouraged to take part in infrastructure construction in energy, transportation, water conservancy, and environmental protection through franchising;
- Service industries: loosen the restriction on the investment of financial institution, securities company, securities investment fund management company, futures company, insurance institution, insurance agency;
- This policy may serve as the guidelines on Chinese foreign investment policy in the next 5-10 years.
For more details see: http://www.gov.cn/zhengce/content/2017-01/17/content_5160624.htm